(Component: React.ComponentType

) {\r\n function WithRoot(props: P) {\r\n // MuiThemeProvider makes the theme available down the React tree\r\n // thanks to React context.\r\n return (\r\n \r\n {/* CssBaseline kickstart an elegant, consistent, and simple baseline to build upon. */}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n }\r\n\r\n return WithRoot;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default withRoot;\r\n","import { Question, Form } from './Types';\nclass MockData {\n public static Questions:Question[] = [\n {\n QuestionText:\"The IT teams are stressed, many have not had a weekend off in month's. How can we provide better work life balance?\",\n CurrentVote:41,\n Form:\"IT Town Hall\"\n },\n {\n QuestionText:\"The Orlando GSC building lease will expire in a few years. What are the plans for the associates on this location once the lease expired?\",\n CurrentVote:31,\n Form:\"IT Town Hall\"\n },\n {\n QuestionText:\"We seem to have had several products selected by the business without IT engagement. Does the Business seem to have learned the lesson of engagement after cornerstone?\",\n CurrentVote:24,\n Form:\"IT Town Hall\"\n },\n {\n QuestionText:\"Do you intend to re-align our IT teams around products and services rather than traditional groups based on role?\",\n CurrentVote:19,\n Form:\"IT Town Hall\"\n },\n ]\n public static Forms:Form[] = [\n {\n FormName:\"IT Town Hall\",\n ExpirationDate:new Date(\"7/19/2019\"),\n Author:\"Lyle Cheatham\",\n id:\"1\",\n FormGuid:\"aasdfsd\"\n },\n {\n FormName:\"Quarterly Meeting\",\n ExpirationDate:new Date(\"7/29/2019\"),\n Author:\"Lyle Cheatham\",\n id:\"2\",\n FormGuid:\"aasdfsd\"\n },\n {\n FormName:\"Yearly Meeting\",\n ExpirationDate:new Date(\"8/10/2019\"),\n Author:\"Bob Cheatham\",\n id:\"3\",\n FormGuid:\"aasdfsd\"\n },\n {\n FormName:\"IT Meeting\",\n ExpirationDate:new Date(\"8/10/2020\"),\n Author:\"Bob Cheatham\",\n id:\"4\",\n FormGuid:\"aasdfsd\"\n },\n ]\n} \nexport default MockData;","import { Question, Form, GraphResponse } from './Types';\nimport MockData from './MockData';\nimport axios from 'axios';\n\n\nexport class MockService {\n public static GetQuestions = (): Question[] => {\n return MockData.Questions;\n }\n public static IncrementQuestion = (Question: Question, Questions: Question[]): Question[] => {\n let selectedIndex = Questions.findIndex((question) => { return question.QuestionText == Question.QuestionText });\n Questions[selectedIndex].CurrentVote++;\n return Questions;\n }\n public static DecrementQuestion = (Question: Question, Questions: Question[]): Question[] => {\n let selectedIndex = Questions.findIndex((question) => { return question.QuestionText == Question.QuestionText });\n Questions[selectedIndex].CurrentVote--;\n return Questions;\n }\n\n public static AddQuestion = (Question: Question, Questions: Question[]): Question[] => {\n return [Question, ...Questions];\n }\n\n public static GetForms = (): Form[] => {\n return MockData.Forms;\n }\n}\nexport class RealService {\n //public static BaseApiUrl:string = \"http://localhost:7071/api/\";\n public static BaseApiUrl: string = \"https://hdsfn.azurewebsites.net/api/\";\n\n public static GetQuestions = async (formId: string): Promise => {\n let code = \"?code=0UvVSA5iFkYHuy3L1LWI53JAfEw3eo0Gqzcxi4SM32ITGFvLs/2q9w==\";\n let endpoint: string = \"GetVotes\";\n let res = await axios.get(RealService.BaseApiUrl + endpoint + code + \"&formId=\" + formId);\n let { value } = res.data;\n\n let questions: Question[] = [];\n value.forEach((item: GraphResponse) => {\n let fields: Question = item.fields;\n questions.push(fields);\n });\n return questions;\n }\n public static IncreaseVote = async (Question: Question, Questions: Question[], captcha: string): Promise<{ questions: Question[], success: Boolean }> => {\n let code = \"&code=aC9RwtGfry/ox87OeFJ0XDPldC60GrpNcZI0X0w8KNNBV9t6pzbVnw==\";\n let endpoint: string = \"IncreaseVote\";\n let res = await axios.get(RealService.BaseApiUrl + endpoint + \"?itemId=\" + Question.id + code + \"&captcha=\" + captcha);\n let selectedIndex = Questions.findIndex((question) => { return question.QuestionText == Question.QuestionText });\n if (res.data === \"captcha_failure\") return { questions: Questions, success: false }\n else {\n Questions[selectedIndex].CurrentVote++;\n return { questions: Questions, success: true };\n }\n }\n public static DecreaseVote = async (Question: Question, Questions: Question[], captcha: string): Promise<{ questions: Question[], success: Boolean }> => {\n let code = \"&code=4jx6FX3lpG0197GuVJHahU6zLzV/pEyioOL8pWL19tNUa/LC90nPtg==\";\n let endpoint: string = \"DecreaseVote\";\n let res = await axios.get(RealService.BaseApiUrl + endpoint + \"?itemId=\" + Question.id + code + \"&captcha=\" + captcha);\n let selectedIndex = Questions.findIndex((question) => { return question.QuestionText == Question.QuestionText });\n if (res.data === \"captcha_failure\") return { questions: Questions, success: false }\n else {\n Questions[selectedIndex].CurrentVote--;\n return { questions: Questions, success: true };\n }\n }\n\n public static AddQuestion = async (Question: Question, Questions: Question[], captcha: string): Promise<{ questions: Question[], success: Boolean }> => {\n let axiosConfig = {\n headers: {\n 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',\n \"Access-Control-Allow-Origin\": \"*\",\n }\n };\n let code = \"?code=JqFLjXm1MAZ8AoRa4q0nij32TPOOJlupIntRcY2pbIEsaUPeZumiuw==\";\n let endpoint: string = \"AddQuestion\";\n axios.defaults.headers.post['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';\n let res = await axios.post(RealService.BaseApiUrl + endpoint + code, { \"QuestionText\": Question.QuestionText, \"Form\": Question.Form, \"FormId\": Question.FormId, \"Captcha\": captcha },axiosConfig);\n let { id } = res.data;\n if (res.data === \"captcha_failure\") return { questions: Questions, success: false }\n Question.id = id;\n return { questions: [Question, ...Questions], success: true };\n }\n\n public static GetForms = async (): Promise => {\n let code = \"?code=/BHNlDWANXDzmfNg4WZp1jkfvDQrZiXHyEt7TcFhxAOlNSUqySkTiw==\";\n let endpoint: string = \"GetQnAs\";\n let res = await axios.get(RealService.BaseApiUrl + endpoint + code);\n let { value } = res.data;\n\n let questions: Form[] = [];\n value.forEach((item: GraphResponse) => {\n let fields: Form = item.fields;\n questions.push(fields);\n });\n return questions;\n }\n}\nexport default MockService;","/* Main Imports */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { Theme } from '@material-ui/core/styles/createMuiTheme';\nimport createStyles from '@material-ui/core/styles/createStyles';\nimport withStyles, { WithStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles/withStyles';\nimport withRoot from './withRoot';\nimport DialogTitle from '@material-ui/core/DialogTitle';\nimport Dialog from '@material-ui/core/Dialog';\n\n/* Material Core Imports */\nimport Divider from '@material-ui/core/Divider';\nimport ListItem from '@material-ui/core/ListItem';\nimport ListItemIcon from '@material-ui/core/ListItemIcon';\nimport ListItemText from '@material-ui/core/ListItemText';\nimport Fab from '@material-ui/core/Fab';\nimport Badge from '@material-ui/core/Badge';\nimport Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';\nimport CircularProgress from '@material-ui/core/CircularProgress';\nimport Grow from '@material-ui/core/Grow';\nimport Slide from '@material-ui/core/Slide';\nimport SnackbarContent from '@material-ui/core/SnackbarContent';\nimport DialogActions from '@material-ui/core/DialogActions';\nimport DialogContent from '@material-ui/core/DialogContent';\nimport DialogContentText from '@material-ui/core/DialogContentText';\nimport {isIE} from 'react-device-detect';\nimport ReCAPTCHA from \"react-google-recaptcha\";\n\nimport { cyan, deepOrange, grey, red, blue, green, pink, amber, indigo, lightBlue, blueGrey } from '@material-ui/core/colors';\n\n/* Material Icon Imports */\nimport KeyboardArrowUpIcon from '@material-ui/icons/KeyboardArrowUpRounded';\nimport DoneIcon from '@material-ui/icons/DoneRounded';\nimport ChatIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ChatRounded';\nimport FlagIcon from '@material-ui/icons/FlagRounded';\nimport PersonIcon from '@material-ui/icons/PersonRounded';\nimport NewReleasesIcon from '@material-ui/icons/NewReleasesSharp';\nimport SupervisedUserCircleIcon from '@material-ui/icons/SupervisedUserCircleRounded';\n\nimport { MockService, RealService } from './MockService';\nimport { Question, Form } from './Types';\nimport './App.css';\n\nconst colors = { deepOrange, grey, red, blue, green, pink, amber, indigo, lightBlue, blueGrey, cyan };\n\n\nconst styles = (theme: Theme) =>\n createStyles({\n root: {\n flexGrow: 1,\n },\n fabProgress: {\n color: grey[400],\n position: 'absolute',\n top: -4,\n left: -4,\n zIndex: 0,\n },\n wrapper: {\n margin: theme.spacing(1),\n position: 'relative',\n },\n });\ntype State = {\n isLoading: boolean;\n isChallengeUp: boolean;\n isOpen: boolean;\n isVoted: boolean;\n usedCaptchas: string[];\n};\ntype Props = {\n voteId: number;\n currentVoteId: number;\n formId: string;\n readOnly: boolean;\n question: Question;\n questions: Question[];\n votedQuestions: Question[];\n updator: Function;\n captchaElement: any;\n captchaValue: string;\n};\nconst StyledBadge = withStyles((theme: Theme) => ({\n badge: {\n top: !isIE ? 0:5,\n right: !isIE ? 3:22,\n backgroundColor: grey[900],\n color: grey[100],\n // The border color match the background color.\n border: `1px solid ${\n theme.palette.type === 'light' ? theme.palette.grey[200] : theme.palette.grey[900]\n }`,\n },\n}))(Badge);\nclass Voteitem extends React.Component, State> {\n\n constructor(props: any) {\n super(props);\n this.state = {\n isChallengeUp: false,\n isLoading: false,\n isVoted: true,\n isOpen: false,\n usedCaptchas: []\n };\n }\n componentWillReceiveProps(props: Props) {\n if (props.currentVoteId === this.props.voteId) {\n if (props.captchaValue != \"\" && this.state.usedCaptchas.indexOf(props.captchaValue) == -1) {\n this.setState({ usedCaptchas: [...this.state.usedCaptchas, props.captchaElement] })\n this.onVoteItemClick(props.captchaValue);\n }\n }\n }\n componentWillMount() {\n const { classes, question, votedQuestions, questions, updator, formId } = this.props;\n let alreadyVotedIndex = votedQuestions.findIndex((q) => { return ((q.QuestionText == question.QuestionText) && (q.FormId == formId)) });\n this.setState({ isVoted: alreadyVotedIndex !== -1 });\n }\n public getLocal = (key: string): string => {\n let found = localStorage.getItem(key);\n if (found) return found;\n else return \"[]\"\n }\n public onVoteItemClick = async (captchaValue: string) => {\n const { classes, question, votedQuestions, questions, updator, formId, readOnly, captchaElement } = this.props;\n const { isLoading } = this.state;\n let isVoted: boolean = votedQuestions.findIndex((q) => { return ((q.QuestionText == question.QuestionText) && (q.FormId == formId)) }) !== -1;\n if (!isVoted) {\n let questionResponse = await RealService.IncreaseVote(question, questions, captchaValue);\n if (questionResponse.success) {\n let newArray = [question, ...JSON.parse(this.getLocal(\"votedQuestions\"))];\n localStorage.setItem(\"votedQuestions\", JSON.stringify([question, ...JSON.parse(this.getLocal(\"votedQuestions\"))]));\n updator({ captchaValue: \"\", votedQuestions: newArray, questions: questionResponse.questions, snackText: \"Your vote has been counted\", snackVisible: true }, this.setState({ isLoading: false, isVoted: true }));\n }\n else {\n updator({ captchaValue: \"\", snackText: \"Your request was rejected by captcha\", snackVisible: true }, this.setState({ isLoading: false }));\n }\n }\n if (isVoted) {\n let questionResponse = await RealService.DecreaseVote(question, questions, captchaValue);\n if (questionResponse.success) {\n let index = JSON.parse(this.getLocal(\"votedQuestions\")).findIndex((q: Question) => { return ((q.QuestionText == question.QuestionText) && (q.FormId == formId)) });\n votedQuestions.splice(index, 1);\n let arr = JSON.parse(this.getLocal(\"votedQuestions\"));\n arr.splice(index, 1);\n localStorage.setItem(\"votedQuestions\", JSON.stringify(arr));\n updator({ captchaValue: \"\", votedQuestions: votedQuestions, questions: questionResponse.questions, snackText: \"Your vote has been removed\", snackVisible: true }, this.setState({ isLoading: false, isVoted: false }));\n }\n else {\n updator({ captchaValue: \"\", snackText: \"Your request was rejected by captcha\", snackVisible: true }, this.setState({ isLoading: false }));\n }\n }\n captchaElement.current.reset();\n }\n render() {\n const { voteId, classes, question, votedQuestions, questions, updator, formId, readOnly, captchaElement, captchaValue } = this.props;\n const { isOpen, isChallengeUp, isLoading } = this.state;\n let isVoted: boolean = votedQuestions.findIndex((q) => { return ((q.QuestionText == question.QuestionText) && (q.FormId == formId)) }) !== -1;\n let decidedBackground = \"\";\n let decidedColor = \"\";\n if (readOnly && question.Answer) {\n decidedBackground = grey[900];\n decidedColor = amber[600];\n }\n else if (isVoted && !isLoading) {\n decidedBackground =green[500];\n decidedColor = grey[100];\n }\n else {\n decidedBackground = \"\";\n decidedColor = \"\";\n }\n\n return (\n \n

{this.setState({isOpen:false})}} open={isOpen}>\n {\"Confirm Choice\"}\n \n \n {isVoted ? \"Would you like to remove your upvote?\" : \"Would you like to upvote this question?\"}\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n {\n this.setState({ isOpen: true });\n /*\n \n this.setState({isLoading:true,isChallengeUp:true},updator({ currentVoteId:voteId},()=>{captchaElement.current.execute()}))\n setTimeout(()=>{ \n if (this.state.isChallengeUp) {\n this.setState({isChallengeUp:false,isLoading:false});\n } \n },6000)\n */\n }}>\n \n
\n \n \n {readOnly && question.Answer ? \n : isVoted ? \n : }\n \n \n {isLoading && }\n
\n\n \n
\n \n );\n }\n}\nexport default withRoot(withStyles(styles)(Voteitem));\n","/* Main Imports */\nimport \"babel-polyfill\";\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { Theme } from '@material-ui/core/styles/createMuiTheme';\nimport createStyles from '@material-ui/core/styles/createStyles';\nimport withStyles, { WithStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles/withStyles';\nimport withRoot from './withRoot';\n\n/* Material Core Imports */\nimport AppBar from '@material-ui/core/AppBar';\nimport Grid from '@material-ui/core/Grid';\nimport Toolbar from '@material-ui/core/Toolbar';\nimport List from '@material-ui/core/List';\nimport Typography from '@material-ui/core/Typography';\nimport FormControl from '@material-ui/core/FormControl';\nimport Divider from '@material-ui/core/Divider';\nimport ListItem from '@material-ui/core/ListItem';\nimport ListItemIcon from '@material-ui/core/ListItemIcon';\nimport ListItemText from '@material-ui/core/ListItemText';\nimport Fab from '@material-ui/core/Fab';\nimport ExpansionPanel from '@material-ui/core/ExpansionPanel';\nimport ExpansionPanelDetails from '@material-ui/core/ExpansionPanelDetails';\nimport ExpansionPanelSummary from '@material-ui/core/ExpansionPanelSummary';\nimport ExpansionPanelActions from '@material-ui/core/ExpansionPanelActions';\nimport TextField from '@material-ui/core/TextField';\nimport Snackbar from '@material-ui/core/Snackbar';\nimport Paper from '@material-ui/core/Paper';\nimport Tabs from '@material-ui/core/Tabs';\nimport Tab from '@material-ui/core/Tab';\nimport Badge from '@material-ui/core/Badge';\nimport Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';\nimport { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';\nimport CircularProgress from '@material-ui/core/CircularProgress';\nimport Grow from '@material-ui/core/Grow';\nimport Slide from '@material-ui/core/Slide';\nimport ReCAPTCHA from \"react-google-recaptcha\";\nimport {isIE} from 'react-device-detect';\n\nimport moment from 'moment';\nimport { cyan, deepOrange, grey, red, blue, green, pink, amber, indigo, lightBlue, blueGrey } from '@material-ui/core/colors';\n\n/* Material Icon Imports */\nimport KeyboardArrowUpIcon from '@material-ui/icons/KeyboardArrowUpRounded';\nimport ExpandMoreIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ExpandMore';\nimport DoneIcon from '@material-ui/icons/DoneRounded';\nimport Moment from 'react-moment';\nimport FlipMove from 'react-flip-move';\nimport Container from '@material-ui/core/Container';\nimport { SnackbarProvider, VariantType, useSnackbar } from 'notistack';\n\nimport { MockService, RealService } from './MockService';\nimport { Question, Form } from './Types';\nimport VoteItem from './VoteItem';\nimport logo from './logo.svg';\nimport './App.css';\nimport { SnackbarContent } from '@material-ui/core';\nrequire('es6-promise/auto');\nconst colors = { deepOrange, grey, red, blue, green, pink, amber, indigo, lightBlue, blueGrey, cyan };\nconst recaptchaRef: any = React.createRef();\nconst recaptchaRefInvis: any = React.createRef();\nconst styles = (theme: Theme) =>\n createStyles({\n root: {\n flexGrow: 1,\n },\n appBar: {\n zIndex: theme.zIndex.drawer + 1,\n backgroundColor: grey[900],\n },\n appBarBehind: {\n zIndex: theme.zIndex.drawer ,\n backgroundColor: grey[50],\n top:64,\n '@media (max-width: 800px)': {\n top: 58\n },\n '@media (max-width: 600px)': {\n top: 53\n }\n },\n appBarSecondary: {\n zIndex: theme.zIndex.drawer + 1,\n backgroundColor: amber[500],\n top: 64,\n width:\"100%\",\n paddingTop: 6\n },\n logo: {\n marginTop: -10,\n height:40,\n width:240,\n paddingRight: 20\n },\n headerText: {\n flexGrow: 1,\n fontWeight: 800\n },\n toolbar: theme.mixins.toolbar,\n toolbarLarger: {\n minHeight: 80\n },\n fab: {\n margin: theme.spacing(1),\n position: 'relative',\n transform: 'rotate(90deg)'\n },\n TabRoot: {\n backgroundColor: amber[600],\n },\n TabIndicator: {\n backgroundColor: grey[900],\n },\n padding: {\n padding: theme.spacing(0, 2),\n },\n badge: {\n backgroundColor: grey[900],\n color: grey[100]\n },\n heading: {\n fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(15),\n },\n secondaryHeading: {\n fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(15),\n color: theme.palette.text.secondary,\n },\n icon: {\n verticalAlign: 'bottom',\n height: 20,\n width: 20,\n },\n details: {\n alignItems: 'center',\n },\n column: {\n flexBasis: '33.33%',\n },\n helper: {\n borderLeft: `2px solid ${theme.palette.divider}`,\n padding: theme.spacing(1, 2),\n },\n link: {\n color: theme.palette.primary.main,\n textDecoration: 'none',\n '&:hover': {\n textDecoration: 'underline',\n },\n },\n expansionPanel: {\n borderRadius: 60,\n marginTop: 10,\n marginBottom: 10,\n marginLeft: \"20px !important\",\n marginRight: \"20px !important\",\n '&:before': {\n backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)',\n },\n },\n info: {\n backgroundColor: grey[900],\n },\n success: {\n backgroundColor: green[600],\n },\n noaction: {\n backgroundColor: grey[600],\n },\n buttonProgress: {\n color: green[500],\n position: 'absolute',\n top: '50%',\n left: '50%',\n marginTop: -12,\n marginLeft: -12,\n },\n wrapper: {\n margin: theme.spacing(1),\n position: 'relative',\n },\n staticTool: {\n minHeight: 64,\n '@media (min-width: 600px)': {\n }\n },\n secondaryBarText: {\n '@media (max-width: 800px)': {\n fontSize: 22\n },\n '@media (max-width: 600px)': {\n fontSize: 18\n }\n },\n secondaryBarText2: {\n '@media (max-width: 800px)': {\n fontSize: 18\n },\n '@media (max-width: 600px)': {\n fontSize: 14\n }\n },\n secondaryBarFiller: {\n minHeight: 128,\n '@media (max-width: 800px)': {\n minHeight: 106\n }\n },\n textBox: {\n width:600\n }\n });\ntype State = {\n questions: Question[];\n votedQuestions: Question[];\n forms: Form[];\n formId: string;\n formTab: any;\n expanded: boolean;\n hasError: boolean;\n hasLoaded: boolean;\n badPath: boolean;\n expired: boolean;\n readOnly: boolean;\n snackVisible: boolean;\n buttonLoader: boolean;\n questionField: string;\n snackText: string;\n formName: string;\n captcha: string;\n captchaValue: string;\n captchaElement: any;\n currentVoteId: number;\n expirationDate: Date;\n};\nconst StyledBadge = withStyles((theme: Theme) => ({\n badge: {\n top: 0,\n right: 3,\n backgroundColor: grey[900],\n color: grey[100],\n // The border color match the background color.\n border: `1px solid ${\n theme.palette.type === 'light' ? theme.palette.grey[200] : theme.palette.grey[900]\n }`,\n },\n}))(Badge);\nclass App extends React.Component<{\n location: any;\n} & WithStyles, State> {\n\n constructor(props: any) {\n super(props);\n this.updator = this.updator.bind(this);\n let votedQuestions: Question[] = [];\n let votedQuestionsString: any = localStorage.getItem(\"votedQuestions\");\n if (votedQuestionsString) votedQuestions = JSON.parse(votedQuestionsString);\n this.state = {\n formTab: 0,\n formId: \"1\",\n votedQuestions: votedQuestions,\n questions: [],\n forms: [],\n captchaValue: \"\",\n captchaElement: recaptchaRefInvis,\n expanded: false,\n hasError: false,\n expired: false,\n readOnly: false,\n hasLoaded: false,\n badPath: false,\n buttonLoader: false,\n currentVoteId: 0,\n snackVisible: false,\n questionField: \"\",\n snackText: \"\",\n formName: \"\",\n captcha: \"\",\n expirationDate: new Date()\n };\n }\n private updator = (state: any, fc?: Function): void => {\n if (fc) this.setState(state, () => { fc() });\n else this.setState(state);\n }\n private _submitQuestion = async () => {\n const { formName, questions, formTab, votedQuestions, expanded, questionField, hasError, hasLoaded, formId, badPath, snackVisible, snackText, buttonLoader, captcha } = this.state;\n\n if (questionField === \"\") {\n this.setState({ hasError: true });\n }\n else {\n this.setState({ buttonLoader: true });\n let question = { QuestionText: questionField, CurrentVote: 1, Form: formName, FormId: formId };\n let newArray = [question, ...votedQuestions];\n localStorage.setItem(\"votedQuestions\", JSON.stringify(newArray));\n let addedQuestions = await RealService.AddQuestion(question, questions, captcha);\n if (addedQuestions.success)\n this.setState({ captcha: \"\", hasError: false, expanded: !expanded, questions: addedQuestions.questions, questionField: \"\", votedQuestions: newArray, buttonLoader: false, snackVisible: true, snackText: \"Your question has been added\" }, recaptchaRef.current.reset());\n else {\n this.setState({ captcha: \"\", hasError: false, expanded: !expanded, questions: addedQuestions.questions, questionField: \"\", votedQuestions: newArray, buttonLoader: false, snackVisible: true, snackText: \"Your request was rejected by captcha\" }, recaptchaRef.current.reset());\n }\n }\n }\n\n async componentWillMount() {\n let formId = this.props.location.pathname.replace(\"/\", \"\")\n let questions = await RealService.GetQuestions(formId);\n let forms = await RealService.GetForms();\n let foundForm: Form = forms.filter((form) => { return form.FormGuid === formId }).length === 1 ? forms.filter((form) => { return form.FormGuid === formId })[0] : { FormName: \"This form may have been deleted...\", FormGuid: \"\", ExpirationDate: new Date(), Author: \"\", id: \"\" };\n var guidTest = new RegExp(\"^(\\{{0,1}([0-9a-fA-F]){8}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){12}\\}{0,1})$\");\n\n let testResult: Boolean = guidTest.test(formId);\n let badPath = !testResult;\n let expired = moment().isAfter(moment(foundForm.ExpirationDate).add(2, \"months\"));\n let readOnly = moment().isAfter(moment(foundForm.ExpirationDate));\n this.setState({ expired: expired, readOnly: readOnly, questions: questions, forms: forms, hasLoaded: true, formId: formId, badPath: badPath, formName: foundForm.FormName, expirationDate: foundForm.ExpirationDate });\n }\n render() {\n const { classes, location } = this.props;\n const { currentVoteId, captchaElement, captchaValue, captcha, readOnly, expired, formName, expirationDate, questions, formTab, votedQuestions, expanded, questionField, hasError, hasLoaded, formId, badPath, snackVisible, snackText, buttonLoader } = this.state;\n \n let snackClass = snackText.indexOf(\"removed\") >= 0 ? classes.info : snackText.indexOf(\"captcha\") >= 0 ? classes.noaction : classes.success;\n snackClass = snackText.indexOf(\"Chrome\") >= 0 ?classes.noaction:snackClass;\n return (\n \n \n \n \n Q&A\n \n \n {!hasLoaded &&\n \n
\n \n \n \n  Loading...\n \n \n \n }\n {!readOnly &&\n {\n this.setState({ snackText: \"Your captcha check failed\", snackVisible: true });\n }}\n\n onExpired={() => {\n this.setState({ captchaValue: \"\" })\n }\n }\n onChange={(val) => {\n this.setState({ captchaValue: val ? val : \"\" });\n }}\n ref={captchaElement}\n size=\"invisible\"\n sitekey=\"6Leso7IUAAAAAMAZ_SmrEsK6ujTExa6NMBqOqbBY\"\n />\n }\n {!expired && !badPath && hasLoaded &&\n \n
\n \n \n \n
\n \n
\n {formName}\n {!readOnly && This Q&A closes {expirationDate.toString()} on {expirationDate.toString()}}\n {readOnly && This Q&A closed {expirationDate.toString()} on {expirationDate.toString()}}\n
\n {!readOnly &&\n \n \n 500}\n rowsMax=\"4\"\n rows=\"4\"\n variant=\"outlined\"\n onChange={(event: React.ChangeEvent) => {\n this.setState({ questionField: event.target.value, hasError: event.target.value === \"\" ? true : false });\n }}\n />\n \n \n { this.setState({ captcha: \"\" }) }}\n ref={recaptchaRef}\n sitekey=\"6LeinbIUAAAAAI4AmbRtAnlzFBsGKPZPlx_gYTSX\"\n onChange={(val: any) => { this.setState({ captcha: val ? val : \"\" }) }}\n />\n \n \n \n
\n \n {buttonLoader && }\n
\n }\n \n \n {questions\n .filter((question) => { return question.FormId === formId })\n .sort((x, y) => {\n if (x.CurrentVote > y.CurrentVote) return -1;\n else if (x.CurrentVote < y.CurrentVote) return 1;\n else return 0;\n }).map((question, key) => {\n\n return (\n \n )\n })}\n \n
\n {questions.filter((question) => { return question.FormId === formId }).length === 0 && Looks like there aren't any questions yet for this Q&A}\n\n \n }\n {!expired && badPath &&\n \n
\n Sorry, I couldn't find a Q&A with that ID\n \n }\n {expired &&\n \n
\n This Q&A is at least two months old and has expired\n \n }\n { this.setState({ snackVisible: false }) }}>\n {snackText}} />\n \n \n );\n }\n}\nexport default withRouter(withRoot(withStyles(styles)(App)));\n","// This optional code is used to register a service worker.\n// register() is not called by default.\n\n// This lets the app load faster on subsequent visits in production, and gives\n// it offline capabilities. However, it also means that developers (and users)\n// will only see deployed updates on subsequent visits to a page, after all the\n// existing tabs open on the page have been closed, since previously cached\n// resources are updated in the background.\n\n// To learn more about the benefits of this model and instructions on how to\n// opt-in, read https://bit.ly/CRA-PWA\n\nconst isLocalhost = Boolean(\n window.location.hostname === 'localhost' ||\n // [::1] is the IPv6 localhost address.\n window.location.hostname === '[::1]' ||\n // is considered localhost for IPv4.\n window.location.hostname.match(\n /^127(?:\\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)){3}$/\n )\n);\n\ntype Config = {\n onSuccess?: (registration: ServiceWorkerRegistration) => void;\n onUpdate?: (registration: ServiceWorkerRegistration) => void;\n};\n\nexport function register(config?: Config) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' && 'serviceWorker' in navigator) {\n // The URL constructor is available in all browsers that support SW.\n const publicUrl = new URL(\n (process as { env: { [key: string]: string } }).env.PUBLIC_URL,\n window.location.href\n );\n if (publicUrl.origin !== window.location.origin) {\n // Our service worker won't work if PUBLIC_URL is on a different origin\n // from what our page is served on. This might happen if a CDN is used to\n // serve assets; see https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/2374\n return;\n }\n\n window.addEventListener('load', () => {\n const swUrl = `${process.env.PUBLIC_URL}/service-worker.js`;\n\n if (isLocalhost) {\n // This is running on localhost. Let's check if a service worker still exists or not.\n checkValidServiceWorker(swUrl, config);\n\n // Add some additional logging to localhost, pointing developers to the\n // service worker/PWA documentation.\n navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(() => {\n console.log(\n 'This web app is being served cache-first by a service ' +\n 'worker. To learn more, visit https://bit.ly/CRA-PWA'\n );\n });\n } else {\n // Is not localhost. Just register service worker\n registerValidSW(swUrl, config);\n }\n });\n }\n}\n\nfunction registerValidSW(swUrl: string, config?: Config) {\n navigator.serviceWorker\n .register(swUrl)\n .then(registration => {\n registration.onupdatefound = () => {\n const installingWorker = registration.installing;\n if (installingWorker == null) {\n return;\n }\n installingWorker.onstatechange = () => {\n if (installingWorker.state === 'installed') {\n if (navigator.serviceWorker.controller) {\n // At this point, the updated precached content has been fetched,\n // but the previous service worker will still serve the older\n // content until all client tabs are closed.\n console.log(\n 'New content is available and will be used when all ' +\n 'tabs for this page are closed. See https://bit.ly/CRA-PWA.'\n );\n\n // Execute callback\n if (config && config.onUpdate) {\n config.onUpdate(registration);\n }\n } else {\n // At this point, everything has been precached.\n // It's the perfect time to display a\n // \"Content is cached for offline use.\" message.\n console.log('Content is cached for offline use.');\n\n // Execute callback\n if (config && config.onSuccess) {\n config.onSuccess(registration);\n }\n }\n }\n };\n };\n })\n .catch(error => {\n console.error('Error during service worker registration:', error);\n });\n}\n\nfunction checkValidServiceWorker(swUrl: string, config?: Config) {\n // Check if the service worker can be found. If it can't reload the page.\n fetch(swUrl)\n .then(response => {\n // Ensure service worker exists, and that we really are getting a JS file.\n const contentType = response.headers.get('content-type');\n if (\n response.status === 404 ||\n (contentType != null && contentType.indexOf('javascript') === -1)\n ) {\n // No service worker found. Probably a different app. Reload the page.\n navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(registration => {\n registration.unregister().then(() => {\n window.location.reload();\n });\n });\n } else {\n // Service worker found. Proceed as normal.\n registerValidSW(swUrl, config);\n }\n })\n .catch(() => {\n console.log(\n 'No internet connection found. App is running in offline mode.'\n );\n });\n}\n\nexport function unregister() {\n if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {\n navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(registration => {\n registration.unregister();\n });\n }\n}\n","import 'react-app-polyfill/ie11';\n\nimport React from 'react';\nimport ReactDOM from 'react-dom';\nimport './index.css';\nimport App from './App';\nimport * as serviceWorker from './serviceWorker';\nimport { BrowserRouter as Router } from 'react-router-dom';\nimport { SnackbarProvider, VariantType, useSnackbar } from 'notistack';\nReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById('root'));\n\n// If you want your app to work offline and load faster, you can change\n// unregister() to register() below. Note this comes with some pitfalls.\n// Learn more about service workers: https://bit.ly/CRA-PWA\nserviceWorker.unregister();\n"],"sourceRoot":""}